Bookishness Vol. 2
Well! I sort of forgot to post my Bookishness, Vol. 2 last week, but I'm making up for it today! So here's my Bookishness thing for the month of January!
I read way more books this month than I did last month. In total, I read eight books, which still isn't a whole bunch. I am mid-way through a really thick book (like a 500 pager with pretty small print) so that's why I haven't read as many books the last part of the month.
My favorite book this month was probably I, Eliza Hamilton by Susan Holloway Scott. After listening to the Hamilton soundtrack, I have become a bit of a Hamilton history freak. Because I already love history, I'm basically beyond obsessed with Alexander Hamilton and his life. So of course, I loved this book.
So I was looking at my list of books and the ratings I gave them, and the next two books only got four stars, but they're beating my other five-star book (Lady Almina and the Real Downton Abbey) basically because they were more interesting. It's sort of weird, but just roll with me. I'm actually rather confused. Maybe I need to rethink how I rated the books. XD
Next up is Noah: Man of Destiny by Tim Chaffey. It's basically a historical fiction book about Noah. If you don't know already, I love historical fiction (especially Biblical historical fiction) so I was almost guaranteed to love this book. And of course, I did.
The only tiny bone I have to pick with it is that there were a few parts of the book that seemed to drag. But otherwise, it was awesome! (Also - I didn't realize it was the first in a trilogy until near the end, and now I'm dying to know what happens next. Urrg...)
Finally, there's Boy Meets Girl by Joshua Harris. In case you don't know, Joshua Harris wrote a pretty famous Christian book called I Kissed Dating Goodbye. This book is basically a follow up to that and talks about how to have a godly courtship (or date in a godly way) and it had some really good, practical ideas.
(So I officially decided to change what I rated Lady Almina and the Real Downton Abbey so that my list of top books doesn't include two four stars and neglect a five star.)
Books I've Read...
Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Elizabeth I: Red Rose of the House of Tudor - Katheryn Lasky
I, Eliza Hamilton - Susan Holloway Scott
Lady Almina and the Real Downton Abbey - Fiona Carnarvon
A Murder for Her Majesty - Beth Hilgartner
A Murder for Her Majesty - Beth Hilgartner
Boy Meets Girl - Joshua Harris
The Illiad - Homer
Boy Meets Girl - Joshua Harris
Noah: Man of Destiny - Tim Chaffey
The Mighty Weakness of John Knox - Douglas Bond
The Illiad - Homer

My star ratings:
✩✩✩✩✩ (5) - So amazing - I couldn't put it down
✩✩✩✩ (4) - Great book! Definitely recommend
✩✩✩ (3) - Eh. So-so. I might read it again if I'm bored
✩✩ (2) - Not so great… Probably wouldn't recommend or read again.
✩ (1) - Ugg. Awful book. I would not read this again.
And that's it for today! Hope you enjoyed and maybe found a new book to read. :) Let me know below if you've read any of these books and what you thought of them!
~ Anna Iolene
And that's it for today! Hope you enjoyed and maybe found a new book to read. :) Let me know below if you've read any of these books and what you thought of them!
~ Anna Iolene
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